A flourishing career in pharmaceutical Market Access: Which skills are essential, Dipti Tankala?

Explore the inspiring journey of Dipti Tankala in this podcast episode as she delves into market access within the pharmaceutical industry. From facing challenges in community pharmacy to leading in oncology market access, Dipti shares valuable insights on making impactful career transitions. Market Access veteran Dr. Stefan Walzer and Dipti Tankala also talk about the significance of networking, mentorship, and the essential skills for success. This episode is a must-listen for professionals looking to navigate the complex world of market access and leverage opportunities in the pharmaceutical field. Tune in to unlock your career potential with expert advice from a seasoned market access professional. 


Explore the inspiring journey of Dipti Tankala in this podcast episode as she delves into market access within the pharmaceutical industry. From facing challenges in community pharmacy to leading in oncology market access, Dipti shares valuable insights on making impactful career transitions. Market Access veteran Dr. Stefan Walzer and Dipti Tankala also talk about the significance […]