Market Access Strategies and Implementation in D-A-CH

MArS is your hands-on consultancy with a strategic vision for the D-A-CH region – Germany, Austria, Switzerland.

With many years of experience and a strong team of consultants, MArS is the perfect partner for market access in Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

MArS levers the available innovative market access platforms mAxInsights®, DO-Bo and Wafle in order to make your activities in the D-A-CH region successful!

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Communication with payers

Whether in the AMNOG process for drugs or in specific reimbursement situations for diagnostics or medical devices; the clinical evidence must match the expectations and requirements of payers. In the German context, this will mainly be the focus of the statutory health insurances, while in Austria and Switzerland a mix of the main association and the individual health insurance funds. Study planning must take into account specifics of the clinical trial design and, above all, the correct choice of comparative therapy and clinical endpoints. Not every clinical endpoint is actually important in the D-A-CH countries. A planned study program can be optimized through early consultation with institutions, e.g. the Joint Federal Committee in Germany, and/or expert surveys including advisory boards. MArS can actively support you through its long-standing contacts and the MArS Payer Forum.

Additionally, direct contracts with payers in the the D-A-CH region can be initiated by early engagement and discussions with these institutions. These selective, direct or integrated care contracts can be the go-to-market strategy for medical devices and could also support pricing for pharmaceuticals.

Submissions for reimbursement

A successful submission begins with a systematically elaborated submission and pricing strategy. This includes the screening of the market and the competitive situation as well as the evaluation and benchmarking of our own clinical and economic evidence. This should also include payer research and discussions with physicians and decision-makers, e.g. via advisory boards.

In any case, the key for success is the development of a high-quality submission dossier. MArS has already moved into Market Access 4.0 with its unique medical writing bot DO-Bo. DO-Bo could be utilized by clients on their own, but in addition to that, MArS also offers the support by experienced individuals in order to finalize the dossier after the availability of a DO-Bo dossier version. MArS can refer to the experience of many different submissions in the D-A-CH countries including drugs, medical devices, diagnostics and eHealth solutions (including apps).

Pricing - planning, research, design, implementation

In order to achieve the optimal price for your product, a detailed analysis by experienced experts of the D-A-CH market is required. The specifics of the product as well as the special features of the indication area must be taken into account.

Beyond planning, MArS also supports you in implementing the target price. When negotiating contracts and prices, it is not only a matter of clear and strategic communication but also of a well-defined and planned negotiation strategy. In order to secure a successful outcome, Wafle, our AI-driven VR platform, is being utilized with each client.

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